DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information.

Please use the list below for any assistance in getting COVID-19 Relief.

Directory of Servicer Contacts

For Use by HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies only  April 20, 2020

Mortgage ServicerConsumer Self-Service Intake Portals andTelephone Numbers
Arvesthttps://www.arvestcentralmortgage.com/resources/hardship- assistance/hardship-assistance-main
Bank of America https://homeloanhelp.bankofamerica.com/en/forbearance.html
Bayview https://bayviewloanservicingcares.com/coronavirus-update/
BB&T https://bank.bbt.com/retailEnrollment/paymentrelief
  CaliberCall 800-401-6587 for assistance or information on how to request COVID- relief. Customers impacted by COVID-19 can request a forbearance plan by logging in to their account at www.myaccount.caliberhomeloans.com.Additional information related to COVID-19 assistance is available  athttp://www.caliberhomeloans.com/tools-resources/faqs/
 CarringtonLog in to www.mortgageassistance@carrintonms.com for self-service options.
Other Online Resources: www.carringtonmortgage.com/covid19
Carrington Mortgage Serviceshttps://www.carringtonmortgage.com/covid19
 ChaseCustomers should log in to their account at www.chase.com/mortgageassistance , or call 888-356-0023 to request assistance. An online COVID-19 assistance request form will be available for self-service on 5/17/2020.
Fay Servicinghttps://www.fayservicing.com/covid-19/
 FlagstarLog in to Myloans at www.flagstar.com;1. (800) 393-4887, Option 1; or2. Go to www.Flagstar.com/hardship to submit an online forbearance request
   Freedom MortgageFreedom encourages customers to submit a request for a COVIDForbearance online at www.freedommortgage.com/gethelp. This request form will allow for the customers to obtain the desired forbearance plan which will be mailed to them 3 to 5 business days after submission of the request online.  No phone call is necessary to obtain the forbearance plan  if they complete the online form at:http://www.freedommortgage.com/gethelpIf the customer prefers to speak to a representative, they can contactFreedom Mortgage Customer Care at 855-690-5900 and select option 7 for Financial Hardship.  
     LoanCare· Log in to request an assistance, and click on the large red white button labeled “Financially Impacted by COVID-19? Click here for relief”.· Borrower may also call 800-909-95251.     Select option 1 for English2.     Listen to explanation of a forbearance and select Option 1 at the end of the message3.     Enter the loan number and last 4 of SSN OR full SSN and property zip code4.     Press 1 to confirm you are requesting temporary financial assistance5.     Press 1 to confirm you understand all monies are due in full at the end of the forbearance. Starting on or about 4/13/2020: press 1 for a plan shorter or longer than 3 months or hold to accept 3 month plan1.      If 1 pressed, confirm length by entering 1-6 on keypad (1 month to 6 months)2.      Confirm length requested by pressing #g. Route to request submitted message with option to speak to an agent for any further servicing needs.
LoanDepothttp://start.loandepot.com/assets/int- email/disaster/COVID19ServicingCommunicationv6.0.pdf
M&T Bankwww.mtb.com/help-center/be-informed/coronavirus/hardship-relief-form
 MidFirst1. Customers impacted by COVID-19 are encouraged to log in to www.MyMidlandMortgage.com to request assistance.2. By phone, customers should call 800-552-3000, sign in with their loan number or social, and then select option 4 to speak to a team member.
 New America Fundingnewamericanfunding.com/manage-my-loan/#covid19relief
 New Residential Not Available
Mr. Cooper(fka Nationstar)Customers may submit a “Pandemic Forbearance Plan” request form by logging in to their account online or via their mobile device. This is the fastest way to receive assistance.
PennyMac (PNMAC)Go to www.pennymacusa.com to access an enrollment for COVID-19_assistance.
 QuickenCustomers can log in to their account at www.rocketmortgage.com. Once logged in there is a banner that directs customers impacted by COVID-19 to apply for assistance. They are walked through a few questions to get them into the Covid-19 Forbearance. This site also offers information about the program and some expectations coming out of the forbearance.http://www.rocketmortgage.com
Suntrusthttps://www1.onlinebanking.suntrust.com/UI/paymentrelief?icid=Paymen tRelief_PersonalBanking_PYMTRELIEF_Hero_NA_L0_567_1044_Default#/
Select Portfolio Servicinghttps://www.spservicing.com/StaticDetails/DisasterManagement
The Money Sourcehttps://themoneysource.com/happy-hub/coronavirus/
  US BankCustomers impacted by COVID-19 can obtain a forbearance, submit a loss mitigation application or establish payment plans at www.usbank.com/splash/covid-19.html then click on “Get help with your mortgage” under Mortgage Assistance. Customers that have already been set up on a forbearance or other assistance plan can contact their SPOC (single point of contact) via the information provided when the assistance was established.http://www.usbank.com/splash/covid-19.html
   Wells Fargo 1. Resource page at http://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgageassist 2. Online request for assistance:a. Request Mortgage payment suspension:·  If you have Wells Fargo online banking, log in to your account. Select the payment assistance alert located by your your mortgage account information.b. Request Home Equity payment suspension·  Request a short-term payment suspension by emailing us through the secure Message Center in online banking. We’ll respond to you in writing via U.S. mail within 7-10 days.3. By phonea. Mortgage: 800-219-9739 option 2, 1 or b. Home Equity: 800-219-9739 option, 2, 2

Counselor ContactServicer  List 2020 04 17 2