Helping Families Receive Their Economic Impact Payment

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. CFA’s goal is to provide as many tools and other partner offerings to you the consumers as much as possible to provide assistance during this difficult time. An additional option for many people …

Nearly 50 Million Cardholders Had Credit Limits Reduced, Card Closed Involuntarily in Last Month Due to COVID-19 Impact

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — One in four American credit cardholders said they’ve involuntarily had their credit limit slashed on at least one of their credit cards or even had a card closed by …

People struggling to pay bills during coronavirus crisis could get hit again starting in June

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information.Susan Tompor  Detroit Free Press  Never really one to buy in bulk, Melodie Jones estimates she spent $350 to buy enough food and supplies for herself and her daughter, Meadow Rose, who turns 9 …

Mortgage Servicer Directory for Housing

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. Please use the list below for any assistance in getting COVID-19 Relief. Directory of Servicer Contacts For Use by HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies only  April 20, 2020 Mortgage Servicer Consumer Self-Service Intake …

FEMA Disaster Recovery Information for your State

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. Please use the following link to find out if your area is or has been qualified for FEMA funds. The link below is a search option by state and its counties. For …

Your stimulus check is coming – Here are the do’s and don’ts

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. Stimulus checks are intended to stimulate the economy but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should spend yours right away The Treasury Department and the IRS said last week that stimulus checks will be distributed in the next …

Top 5 Questions for Student Loan Borrowers to Consider

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. Savi is offering a FREE tool to enroll in an income-driven repayment plan if you have recently lost your job or had your hours cut as a result of the economic fallout from …


DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. In addition to funding, mortgage servicers instructed to offer deferred or reduced mortgage payments for up to 6 months WASHINGTON – President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES …

Stimulus Money: How to Receive Yours and Use It Wisely

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. By Bruce McClary | Wednesday April 1st, 2020 As you have probably heard by now, Congress recently passed, and the President signed into law, a stimulus package designed to provide critical assistance to …

Protecting your finances during the Coronavirus Pandemic

DISCLAIMER: As the COVID-19 public health situation evolves, new regulations are being continually issued. This page/story/information may not include the most recent information. The CFPB is committed to providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances during this difficult time as the situation evolves. Federal, state, and local governments are working …